Welcome to Zion Sunday School (ZSS)!
This is a kids’ kingdom where tiny tots are evolving into torch bearers for Christ. An energetic and bubbly lot of 260 children from the age group of 3 years to 15 years are trained biblically to distinguish the voice of the Heavenly father. The children at Zion are called “Zion’s Olives” – according to the words found in Psalm 128:3 (b) “Your children like olive plants, All around your table”
‘Learning by Seeing’ being the concept behind effective teaching, 35 dedicated, well-trained missionaries are working in the virgin soil to sow the word of God using different visual aids. ‘Creativity’ is the buzzword at Zion Sunday School! With activities ranging from Bible Quiz, games, to Talents week, at ZSS you’ll be a learner and a participant. Missionary Zeal is injected into the minds of young kids with a missionary story every second Sunday.
Memorizing the Bible verses forming an essential part of Christian growth, at Zion Sunday school the little ones memorize specific Bible portions every month and are awarded mementos every Easter Sunday.
An Insight
Zion Sunday school functions on the sound doctrine of Trinity, water baptism by immersion, and baptism of the Holy Spirit. The CEEFI curriculum ably guides the Beginners to the Intermediates to grow step by step in the knowledge of God and His sovereign plan.
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is conducted every year, which provides an opportunity to many non-Christians to taste the loving Saviour.
Zion’s Olives are nurtured in all Godly ways so that they are beacons for the glory of God!