“How beautiful upon the mountains
Are the feet of him who brings good news,
Who proclaims peace,
Who brings glad tidings of good things,
Who proclaims salvation,…” —Isaiah 52:7
There is no greater joy in heaven than when a soul turns to the Lord, trusts in Him, and surrenders to Him. It is an even greater joy for believers in Christ to witness this.
The women at Zion share the Church’s vision and involve in various activities to spread the good news. They form groups and visit the sick in hospitals, and show the love of Jesus Christ in action and proclaiming the word. The hospital ministry has enabled many to see the true light in their lives.
In the gospel of Mark 16: 15, “He (Jesus) said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” The women group’s Village ministry is an effort to abide by these words. Villages constitute a major population in India and reaching out to people in these villages is a blessed undertaking. People living in the nook and corner of these villages have never heard of Christ and proclaiming the gospel is important. The group visits individual houses and families in villages, and shares the word of God. Testimonies are also shared, through which God works in the midst of these people.
Through these ministries, the daughters of Zion have an opportunity to know and fulfill the purpose of God for their lives, to serve in God’s kingdom. Their commitment to the work of God has been strengthened and it has brought out blessings in their life.